Strategy and Dimensions
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Strategy: Role
Role plays developed by Veterinary Nursing School staff
that offer different real world scenarios to add as a formative tool that
students can collaborate on before completion of their own summative video role
play assessments for unit 5191 admission and discharge of a patient (3 videos
provided for students to review)
Role plays are provided to the students to view and
discuss through planned adobe connect ( session times provided that suit
groups of students – numbers would have to be set to allow all students a
chance to participate, these can be agreed upon at each block course location
mid-year )
Comments and reflections for this unit can then be
posted to their e-Portfolios
Students to work in small groups to discuss the role
plays and then to load up their views/ group ideas on their own individual e-Portfolios
Open access to other students to view and comment from
other groups
Facilitator to provide feedback - to assist learning and reflection
Encourages collaboration with peers ( often limited in
a distance learning environment )
Provides students with a formative assessment before
completion of their marked summative assessment
Creation of real world experience role plays that
students will see in everyday clinical practise during the admission and
discharge process of an animal into and from a Veterinary Clinic. ( these
would be available to view on YouTube via links provided)
Students are placed into small groups and a time agreed
upon for completion during the unit standard timeframe (6 weeks) – This will
be completed at least 3 weeks before the due date of the summative assessment
to allow formative feedback from facilitator.
Recorded Adobe sessions from student group work – for
both students and facilitator to review.
Peer and individual comments on student e-Portfolios
Formative feedback from facilitator.
This would allow the facilitator to actively see the
learning process of the students for this unit to see if they have a clear
understanding of the basic principles behind the admission and discharge
My second strategy that
I have considered is a formative role play assessment for Unit Standard 5191
admission and discharge of a patient. I first considered this concept in the ‘Assessing
and Evaluating for learning’ paper I completed in 2012 and through the ‘Flexible
learning” paper I have been able to consider how this concept could work
alongside the e-Portfolio strategy I have outlined above.
Role plays can be an
extremely effective learning tool particularly when they simulate real
situations that bring both theory and skills together ‘They constitute a
vehicle for helping students to achieve ‘deep learning’ in which they
essentially transform new material by integrating it with previous knowledge and
experience (Entwistle, (1996) retrieved from Ellington, H (1998)).
As discussed above the
second year Veterinary Nursing Certificate students complete a number of hours
in clinical placements and as this particular unit falls towards the end of the
year they should have had some exposure to the admission and discharge process.
Ideally I see this as role play simulations that the students can work through
as an activity before they complete their own summative role play assessments
for this unit. Although I have outlined some timeframes for this activity I do
believe this could be flexible if students choose to complete this earlier than
the suggested guidelines. There would also be flexibility for this to be a
group work activity or if some students prefer this can be an autonomous exercise.
Feedback would be provided by the lecturer once the student has completed a
posting onto their portfolio and students are also encouraged to communicate
and leave comments.
Ellington, H. (1998). Higher Education
Academy Imaginative Curriculum Guide Using Games, Simulations, Case Studies and
Role-Play to stimulate students’ creativity. Retrieved from http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&ved=0CFsQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.heacademy.ac.uk%2Fassets%2Fdocuments%2Fresources%2Fdatabase%2Fid363_imaginative_curriculum_guide_ellington.doc&ei=o7jkUuy0FYubkwWzvYCoDw&usg=AFQjCNE5B1YRqDRyEzUZHiOTHcUpFvVxng&sig2=H4AUrjfNkDaKLEA5gNtIJg
Teaching. (n.d). Assessing
with Role Play and Simulation. University of New South Wales, Australia. Retrieved
from http://teaching.unsw.edu.au/assessing-role-play-and-simulation#
Another wonderful strategy. Again add the dimensions of flexibility and explain how this strategy is aligned to them. If you have a huge url like this, it is best to shorten it using http://tinyurl.com/
ReplyDeleteIn the Content section, indicate how the videos will be provided to students. On a Youtube channel or Play OP etc. Great work.